The Hat Devlog #2 |New Ennemies, Changes to gameplay and level design.

Hello everyone, it's me, Niflax. Today it's time for another devlog for The Hat Boy.  It's been quite a while since the last devlog was posted, and this one was supposed to come much more earlier than now. However, many things had to be changed during the development. 

Let's start with the level design. I've tried to make the environnement as clear as I can to make the player understand where to go, while still letting them explore at their own will. For example, I have designed a level where you explore some sort of underground spider area, and when I tried to imagine what it could look like, it felt a little too linear, you just kept going to the same route without even having the chance to look at the details. There isn't too much to say hehe, other than sometimes I think I made the levels a little bit too short, but it may be something to fix before the game fully releases.

To continue this "full of new things" devlog (I'll get to that in a moment), there has been some parts of the game which I had to remove because it was already a mess to program. First is the possibility to play multiple characters, sadly that one had to left, as well as other weapons. However, I have another mechanic that I will add that should compensate for this. Following up, a shop system was supposed to be implemented, but sadly, due to me not being able to program it, I removed the idea, and there wasn't anything to buy honestly so it was pointless from the start.

Something that was actually now added and is now better are the ennemies. It isn't fully complete, because there's a lot I want to add, but right now, there's actually a couple of them..... oh well, it's not very interesting, so I guess I'll end this devlog here...

...or am I?

Of course when I said there was a "lot of new things", there wasn't a lot, that's fur sure. BUT! I do have something that could make some peoples happy. I planned before to release a brand new alpha playable build online so that everybody that wants to take a quick look at it can play it and as well as leaving feedback for things that could be improved. You may be wondering: "That's cool! But how do I give feedback?" Well that's really simple! In the main menu, there's a book. Click on the book and a Google Forms page will open.

The alpha build will be available to download when the devlog will be published.

That is all, have a nice day, and we'll see together on the next devlog.


Hat Boy 82 MB
Mar 07, 2023
Hat Boy Re_do-0_0_3-linux.AppImage 80 MB
Mar 07, 2023
Hat Boy 77 MB
Mar 07, 2023

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